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Three Ways to Make the 52 Week Savings Challenge Work for You. Give yourself the gift of savings - start your challenge now!

Are you looking to give your savings a serious boost this year? The 52-Week Savings Challenge might...

Holiday Shopping  Tips:  How to Snag Deals Year-Round

If you’re like most consumers, getting the most bang for your buck is at the top of your list when...

12 Ways to Save A Lot Of Money By Changing Your Habits

The basic idea behind putting in long work-hours is that our quality of life will improve. Maybe...

Top Financial Tips for College Students

The financially carefree days of college students are quickly disappearing in the rearview mirror....

Looking to Cancel Subscriptions But Don’t Know Where to Start?

With all the various types of subscriptions available today, managing them all can be quite a task....

Reach Your 52-Week Money Challenge Goal with these 5 Ways to Make Extra Cash

By now, you've probably heard about the popular52-Week Money Challenge that has everyone motivated...

11 Online Safety Tips For Making Purchases on the Internet

Shopping online is convenient and affordable but also full of potential dangers. While shopping for...

10 Ways to be Successful with your Financial New Year's Resolution

We all love making New Year's resolutions. Being hopeful, optimistic, and setting a goal can boost...

5 Steps to Budget for Holiday Shopping

The holidays are a time of joy, happiness, and celebrations when families and friends gather from...