Frank Prinzivalli

Frank is an amazing Senior Loan Officer at Middlesex Federal. He has helped countless individuals and families in Massachusetts to get in to the home of their dreams and help with making the best use of home equity and refinancing.

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Video: Steps to Buying A Home Simplified

Be an informed homebuyer. Make sure you know these steps in the home buying process. Learn the...

Video: What is An Escrow Account On My Mortgage?

Learn how an escrow account works and how it can benefit you. Aside from principal and interest,...

Video: Mortgage Pre-qualification vs. Pre-approval

Pre-Qualification versus Pre-ApprovalWhy it's Important to Know the Difference A Pre-Approval...

Video: The Power of Credit Score for Mortgage

Don't Underestimate the Importance of Your Credit Score Your credit score can determine if you get...

Video: Benefits of a HELOC (Home Equity Line of Credit)

Why Homeowners Should Consider Having a HELOC A Home Equity Line of Credit or HELOC can be used to...